Publications by Aeroacoustics Group
Reduction of Noise Generated by a Half-Open Weapons Bay Google Scholar
Journal of Aircraft, (in print). - The Contributions of John M. Seiner Towards Aeroacoustic Facilities and Experimental Techniques Google Scholar International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 11(7&8):725-753, 2012.
A Laboratory Framework for Synchronous Near/Far-Field Acoustics and MHz PIV in High-Temperature, Shock-Containing, Jets Google Scholar
Proceedings of the Internoise 2012/ASME NCAD Meeting, August, 2012, No. ASME/NCAD-1270 [invited]. -
Performance Efficient Jet Noise Reduction for Supersonic Nozzles Google Scholar
International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 11(7&8):937-956, 2012.Effect of Door Configuration on Cavity Flow Modulation Process Google Scholar
AIAA Journal, 50(12):2932-2937, 2012. -
The Effect of Heat on Turbulent Mixing Noise in Supersonic Jets Google Scholar
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January, 2011, No. 2011-1029. -
Computational Modeling of Geometrically Complex Weapons Bays Google Scholar
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, June, 2011, No. 2011-2774. -
Description of Coherent Features in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer by Low-Dimensional Analysis of Surface Pressures Google Scholar
64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November, 2011, No. D1.00006. -
Effect of Door Configuration of Cavity Flow Modulation Process Google Scholar
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, June, 2011, No. 2011-2773. -
Contributions of Turbulence to Subsonic Cavity Flow Wall Pressures Google Scholar, Physics of Fluids, 23(1):015104:1-13, 2011.
By John, Dr. Seiner:
- Seiner, J.M. and Reethof, G., 1973: Design and Development of a Spinning Mode Synthesizer, NASA CR-2260.
- Macuilatis, A., Seiner, J.M., and Norum, T.D., 1976: Sound Scattering by Rigid Oblate Spheriods with Implication to Pressure Gradient Microphones, NASA TND-8140.
- Seiner, J.M., Manning, J.C., Nystrom, P.A., and Pao, S.P., 1977: Noise Reduction Evaluation of Grids in a Supersonic Air Stream with Application to Space Shuttle, NASA TMX-74034.
- Norum, T.D. and Seiner, J.M., 1977: Shape Optimization of Pressure Gradient Microphones, NASA TMX-78623.
- Patterson, J.L., Hardin, J.C., and Seiner, J.M., 1980: Genesis of Breadth Sounds – Preliminary Verification of Theory, NASA TM-81897.
- Norum, T.D. and Seiner, J.M., 1982: Broadband Shock Noise from Supersonic Jets, AIAA J.. Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 68-73.
- Seiner, J.M., Liu, C.H., and McLaughlin, D.K., 1982: Supersonic Jet Noise Generated by Large Scale Instabilities, NASA TP-2072.
- Norum, T.D., and Seiner, J.M., 1982: Measurements of Mean Static pressure and Far Field Acoustics of Shock Containing Supersonic Jets, NASA TM-84521.
- Pao, S.P. and Seiner, J.M., 1983: Shock Associated Noise in Supersonic Jets, AIAA J., Vol 21, No. 5.
- Seiner, J.M., 1983: The Wedge Hot Film Anemometer in Supersonic Flow, NASA TP-2134.
- Seiner, J.M. and Yu, J.C., 1985: Acoustic Near Field Properties Associated with Broadband Shock Noise, AIAA J., Vol. 22, No. 9.
- Seiner, J.M. and Ponton, M.K., 1985: Aeroacoustic Data for High Reynolds number Supersonic Jets, NASA TM-86296.
- Dash, S.M., Wolf, D.E., and Seiner, J.M., 1985: Analysis of Turbulent Underexpanded Jets Part I: Shock Noise Features Using SCIPVIS, AIAA J., Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 505-514.
- Seiner, J.M., Dash, S.M., and Wolf, D.E, 1985: Analysis of Turbulent Underexpanded Jets Part II: Shock Noise Features Using SCIPVIS, AIAA J., Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 669-684.
- Tam, C.K.W., Jackson, J.A., and Seiner, J.M., 1985: A Multiple Scales Model of the Shock Cell Structure of Imperfectly Expanded Supersonic Jets, J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 153, p. 123-149.
- Ponton, M.K., Manning, J.C., and Seiner, J.M., 1986: Far Field Acoustics of Rectangular Nozzles with Varying Throat Aspect Ratios, NASA TM-89002.
- Tam, C.K.W., Seiner, J.M., and Yu, J.C., 1986: Proposed Relationship Between Broadband Shock Associated Noise and Screech Tones, J. Sound and Vibration, Vol. 110, p. 309-321.
- Seiner, J.M., Manning, J.C., and Ponton, M.K., 1988: Dynamic Pressure Loads Associated with Twin Supersonic Plume Resonance, AIAA J., Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 554-560.
- Ponton, M.K. and Seiner, J.M., 1988: The Farfield Acoustic Effects of Inserting an Internal Signature Suppression Device Into a Supersonic Rectangular Nozzle, LDTM-1059.
- Brown, M.C. and Seiner, J.M., Study of Near and Far Field Acoustics of Non-Circular Jets, National Technical Association Journal, Vol. 63, No. 2, Fall 1989.
- Preisser, J.S., Seiner, J.M., Golub, R.A., and Powell, C.A., 1990: Supersonic Jet Noise: Its Generation, Prediction, and Effects on People and Structures, SAE Transactions, J. Aerospace, Section 1, part 2, Vol 99, pp. 1833-1847.
- Seiner, J.M., 1991: Fluid Dynamics and Noise Emission Associated With Supersonic Jets, Studies In Turbulence, Gatski, Sarkar, and Speziale Editors, Springer-Verlag, N.Y., 91-17250, p. 297-323.
- Ponton, M.K., and Seiner, J.M., Large Scale Structures of Axisymmetric Supersonic Flow, Proc. on Nonstationary Stochastic Processes and Their Application, A.G. Miamee editor, World Scientific, pp 38-47, 1992.
- Ponton, M.K., Seiner, J.M., 1992: The Effects of Nozzle Lip Thickness on Plume Resonance, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 154, No. 3, pp531-549.
- Seiner, J.M., Manning, J.C., Capone, F.J., and Pendergraft Jr., O.C., Study of External Dynamic Flap Loads on a 6 Percent B-1B Model, Trans. ASME, Vol. 114, pp. 816-828, 1992.
- Tam, C.K.W., Chen, P., Seiner, J.M., 1992: Relationship Between Instability Waves and Noise of High Speed Jets, AIAA J., Vol. 30, No. 7, p. 1747-1752.
- Ponton, M.K., and Seiner, J.M., The Effects of Lip Thickness on Plume Resonance, J. Sound and Vib., Vol 154, pp. 531-549, 1992.
- Seiner, J.M., and Bhat, T.R.S., 1993: Model Problems Associated with the Prediction of Noise by High Speed Shear Layers, Computational Aeroacoustics, Hardin and Hussaini Editors, Springer-Verlag, N.Y., 93-17486, p. 260-284.
- Seiner, J.M., Bhat, T.R.S., and Ponton, M.K., 1994: Mach Wave Emission from a High-Temperature Supersonic Jet, AIAA J., Vol. 32, No. 12, pp. 2345-2350.
- Ponton, M.K., and Seiner, J.M., Acoustic Study of B Helical Mode for Choked Axisymmetric Nozzle, AIAA J., Vol. 33, No. 3, pp 413-420, 1994.
- Grosch, C.E., Seiner, J.M., Hussani, M.Y., Jackson, T.L., 1996: Numerical Simulation of
Mixing Enhancement In a Hot Supersonic Jet, ICASE Report 201626.
-1143. - Grosch, C.E., Seiner, J.M., Hussani, M.Y., Jackson, T.L., 1997: Numerical Simulation of
Mixing Enhancement In a Hot Supersonic Jet, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 9, Part 4, p. 1125
-1143. - Seiner, J.M. and Gilinsky, M.M., 1997: Nozzle Thrust Optimization While Reducing Jet Noise, AIAA J., Vol. 35, No, 3, p. 420-427.
- Seiner, J.M., 1998: A New Rational Approach To Jet Noise Reduction, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 10, pp. 373-383.
- Woodruff, S.L., Seiner, J.M., Hussaini, M.Y., and Erlebacher, G., 1999, Evaluation of turbulence-model performance as applied to jet-noise prediction, submitted to AIAA J.
- Seiner, J.M., Dash, S.M., and Kenzakowski, D.C., “Historical Survey on Enhanced Mixing in Scramjet Engines,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 1273-1286, November-December 2001.
- Seiner, J.M., Ukeiley, L.S., and Jansen, B.J., 2003, “Acoustic Test Flight Results with Prediction for the F/A-18 E/F Aircraft During FCLP Mission”, Book, Chapter 21, Springer-Verlag.
- Ukeiley, L.S., Ponton, M.K., Seiner, J.M., and Jansen, B., (2004), “Suppression of Pressure Loads in Cavity Flows”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 969-972.
- L. Gui and J.M. Seiner 2004, An improvement in the 9-point central difference image correction method for digital particle image velocimetry recording evaluation. Meas. Sci. Tech. 15: 1958-1964
Gui, L. and Seiner, J.M., “An Improvement In The 9-Point Central Difference Image Correction Method For Digital Particle Image Velocimetry Recording Evaluation”, Meas. Sci. Technol. 15 (2005) 1958-1964. - Gui, L. and Seiner, J.M. “Long-Distance Forward-Scattering Micro-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry And Application In Laminar Jet Flow Tests, submitted for publication to Experiments in Fluids (EiF-0090-2006).
- Gui L, Fink T, Cao Z, Sun D, Seiner JM and Streett DA (2008) Fire ant alate wingmotion data and numerical reconstruction. Journal of Insect Science, (accepted)
By Jansen, Mr. Bernard J Jr.
- Jansen, B. J., Jr., The Data Acquisition and Control Systems of the Jet Noise Laboratory at the NASA Langley, Research Center. International Instrumentation Symposium, 44th , Reno NV, May 3-7, 1998 Proceedings (A98-31001 08-35), Research Triangle Park, NC, Instrument Society of America, 1998, p. 8-17.
- Seiner, Dr. John M., Ponton, Dr. Michael K., Jansen, Bernie, Dash, S. M., Kenakowski, Installation Effects on High Speed Plume Evolution. D.C., 1997 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, June 22-26, 1997, FEDSM97-3227.
- Gilinsky, M. M., Seiner, Dr John M., Jansen, B. J., Bhat, T.R.S., Supersonic Gasdispersional Jets and Jet Noise. AIAA. Aeroacoustics Conference, 15th, Long Beach, CA, Oct 25-27, 1993, 18p., AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, 14th, Aachen, Germany, May 11-14, 1992, Proceedings, Vol. 1 (A93-19126 05-71).
- Seiner, Dr. John M., Ponton, Dr. Michael K., Jansen, Bernard J., Lagen, Nicholas T., The Effects of Temperature on Supersonic Jet Noise Emission. GLR/AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, 14th, Aachen, Germany, May 11-14, 1992, Proceedings, Vol, 1 (A93-19126 05-71).
- Seiner, Dr. John M., Manning, James C., Jansen, Bernard. Supersonic jet plume interaction with a flat plate. International Powered Lift Conference and Exposition, Santa Clara, CA, Dec. 7-10, 1987, Proceedings (A88-37176 15-01), Warrendale, PA, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 1988, p. 563-573.
- Mueller, T. J., Pohlen, L. J., Conigliaro, P. e., Jansen, B.J., Jr., The influence of free-stream disturbances on low Reynolds number airfoil experiments, Experiments in Fluids (ISSN 0723-4864), vol. 1, no. 1, 1983, p. 3-14,.
- Jansen, B. J. Jr., Flow Visualization Through The Use of The Smoke-Wire Technique, AIAA PAPER 81-0412, Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 19th, St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 12-15, 1981, 7 p,.
- Mueller, T. J., Jansen, B. J., Jr., Bernard, R. S., Thompson, J. F,. Experimental and numerical studies of the incompressible viscous flow over a two-dimensional airfoil. Computers in flow predictions and fluid dynamics experiments; Proceedings of the Winter Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 15-20, 1981. (A82-29001 13-02) New York, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1981, p. 157-162.
- Seiner, Dr. John M., Jansen, Bernard J., Ponton, Dr. Michael K., Bruner, Christopher W. S., Singleton, Jere. Acoustics Associated with Fluid/Structural Coupling for Interceptor Missile Flow Fields. Space and Missile Defence Command. ©2000 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
- Jansen, Bernard J. Jr., Seiner, Dr. John M., Response of Dynamic Pressure Transducers to Transient Flow. 7th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference May 28-30 2001 Maastrich, The Netherlands.
- Seiner, Dr. John M., Ukeiley, Dr. Lawrence S.,. Ponton, Dr. Michael K., Jansen, Bernard J. Jr., A New Anechoic Chamber Design for Testing High-Temperature Jet Flows. 7th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 28-30 May 2001 Maastricht, The Netherlands.
- Ukeiley, Dr. Lawrence S., Ponton, Dr. Michael K., Seiner, Dr. John M., Jansen, Bernard J. Jr., Suppression of Pressure Loads in Cavity Flows. AIAA PAPER 2002-0661 at the 40th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting. Reno , NV,14-17 January 2002; Copyright © 2003, Vol. 42, No. 1, January 2004.
- Seiner, Dr. John M., Jansen, Bernard J.Jr., Ukeiley, Dr. Lawrence S., Acoustic Fly-Over Studies of F/A E/F Aircraft During FCLP Mission. AIAA Paper No. 2003-3330.
- Seiner, Dr. John M., Ukeiley, Dr. Lawrence S., Jansen, Bernard J. Jr., Aero-Performance Efficient Noise Reduction for the F404-400 Engine. AOAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference May 23-25 2005, Monterey, California.
- Seiner, Dr. John M., Jansen, Bernard J. Jr., Ukeiley, Dr. Lawrence S., The Effects of Microjet Injection on an F404 Jet Engine., 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (26th AIAA Aeroacoustics conference) 23-25 May 2005, Monterey, California.