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National Center for Physical Acoustics
University of Mississippi

2014 Physical Acoustics Summer School – PASS 2014

The 2014 Physical Acoustics Summer School, PASS 2014, will be convened at Daniels Summit Lodge, Heber City Utah, south of Salt Lake City Utah and Park City Utah, with arrival on 28 May and departure on 3 June 2014.   This is a change of venue from the 2012 Physical Acoustics Summer School.

Participation, including Students, Lecturers, and Discussion Leaders, is limited to fifty. Full-time participation of all is required. Part-timers and visitors are not permitted.

PURPOSE: The purpose of the Summer School is to bring graduate Students, distinguished Lecturers, and Discussion Leaders together to discuss a wide variety of subjects in physical acoustics.  PASS will give students opportunities to meet experts and discuss topics they would not ordinarily encounter in their own colleges and universities.

STUDENTS: The focus of PASS is on intermediate and advanced graduate students.

LECTURERS AND DISCUSSION LEADERS: The Organizing Committee will select approximately eight lecture topics and appropriate Lecturers and Discussion Leaders.

COSTS: Participants provide their own transportation to and from Salt Lake City Airport (SLC), and some van travel assistance from/to SLC will be available. There is a $200 Student Registration Fee.  The other costs of participation, including room and board, based multiple-occupancy for Students, will be paid by sponsors.

PROGRAM: Program information including a full Preliminary Schedule will be provided to all those who request the Application Forms from Ms. Perrier (below) at the National Center for Physical Acoustics (NCPA) at The University of Mississippi.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Completed Application Forms for the 2014 Summer School must be received at NCPA no later than Monday 17 February 2014.

APPLICATIONS: All participants must have a completed Application Form on file.   To obtain copies of this Announcement,  Application Form, and Updated Schedule (May 15), contact:

Debra Perrier
Operations Coordinator
Coliseum Drive
The University of Mississippi
P.O. Box 1848
University MS 38677-1848
Dr. J. R. (Josh) Gladden
PASS 2014 Director
Coliseum Drive
The University of Mississippi
P.O. Box 1848
University MS 38677-1848
Phone (662) 915-5840
Fax (662) 915-7494
Phone (662) 915-7428
Fax (662) 915-7494

Please note that Ms. Perrier’s phone number in the announcement and applications sent by mail is incorrect.  The phone number listed above is correct.

A presentation (PASS History) on the history of PASS was given in June 2013 at the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) meeting in Montreal, Canada.

PASS 2014 is generously supported by the following organizations:

  • The Acoustical Society of America
  • National Center for Physical Acoustics, University of Mississippi
  • Applied Research Laboratories, University of Texas at Austin

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